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For production builds, you'll want to have a real WSGI front end instead of the built in Flask developer web server. While any WSGI could be used, Gunicorn is the recommended WSGI and is included with hyperglass by default.

Alternative WSGIs

If you choose to use a different WSGI, be sure to look closely at hyperglass/hyperglass/ to properly replicate configurations for Prometheus metrics with multiple workers, single-worker Sass compilation, and Redis testing.


Migrate the example Gunicorn configuration file:

$ cd /opt/hyperglass/
$ python3 migrate-gunicorn

Open hyperglass/hyperglass/, and adjust the parameters to match your local system. For example, make sure the command parameter matches the location of your gunicorn executable (which gunicorn), the pythonpath parameter matches the location where hyperglass is installed, and that the user parameter matches the user you're running hyperglass as.

Reverse Proxy Required

Gunicorn is not designed to be a front-end web server, and therefore requires the use of a reverse proxy of some kind. The Gunicorn development team recommends the use of NGINX, for which installation instructions have been provided.


Gunicorn requires read/write/executable access to the entire hyperglass/hyperglass directory in order to read its configuration and execute the python code. If running gunicorn as www-data, fix permissions with:

# cd /opt/hyperglass/
# python3 update-permissions --user <user> --group <group>

File Ownership

If the --user and --group options are not specified, www-data will be used.