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hyperglass is maintained as a Github project under the BSD 3-Clause Clear License. hyperglass users are encouraged to submit Github issues for feature requests and bug reports.


The intent behind the the BSD 3-Clause Clear License is to ensure that anyone can use or modify Hyperglass in any way they wish, as long as credit and copyright notice is provided. If you have any questions about this, or wish to request any special permissions, please contact



hyperglass is arrogantly maintained with a 10/10 Pylint rating, with minimal exceptions made (and documented in .pylintrc). Pull requests will fail in CI if the code is rated below 10/10.

Code Style

All Python code in hyperglass must pass Black formatting standards. hyperglass is developed in Atom with automatic Black formatting, but the black Python package can also be used. Pull requests will fail in CI if the code is not black-formatted.