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4. Configuration

hyperglass configuration files are stored in hyperglass/hyperglass/configuration/, in TOML format.

├── commands.toml
├── configuration.toml
└── devices.toml

Global hyperglass Parameters

Key Name Type Default Value Function
debug Boolean false Enables hyperglass & Flask debugging.
requires_ipv6_cidr Array ["cisco_ios", "cisco_nxos"] See Requires IPv6 CIDR section.
blacklist Array See Example See Blacklist section.


Enabling debug mode will produce a large amount of log output, as every configuration parameter and backend transaction is logged to stdout.

Requires IPv6 CIDR

Some platforms (namely Cisco IOS) are unable to perform a BGP lookup by IPv6 host address (e.g. 2001:db8::1), but must perform the lookup by prefix (e.g. 2001:db8::/48). requires_ipv6_cidr is a list (TOML array) of network operating systems that require this (in Netmiko format).

If a user attempts to query a device requiring IPv6 lookups in CIDR format with an IPv6 host address, the following message will be displayed:


The blacklist is a simple TOML array (list) of host IPs or prefixes that you do not want end users to be able to query. For example, if you have one or more hosts/subnets you wish to prevent users from looking up (or any contained host or prefix), add them to the list.

blacklist = [

When users attempt to query a matching host/prefix, they will receive the following error message by default:

General Parameters


Key Name Type Default Value Function
primary_asn String "65000" Your network's primary ASN.
google_analytics String "" Google Analytics ID number.


hyperglass allows complete customization of what commands are send to devices via SSH/Netmiko. These commands are defined in hyperglass/hyperglass/configuration/commands.toml and are excluded from change control, so any modifications made are not overwritten when hyperglass is updated.

Commands are separated first by network operating system, then by IP protocol:

Table Function Commands
dual Protocol agnostic commands bgp_community bgp_aspath
ipv4 IPv4-specific commands bgp_route ping traceroute
ipv6 IPv6-specific commands bgp_route ping traceroute


The following variables can be used in the command definitions.

For cisco_ios, the default commands configuration is:


bgp_community = "show bgp all community {target}"
bgp_aspath = 'show bgp all quote-regexp "{target}"'

bgp_route = "show bgp ipv4 unicast {target} | exclude pathid:|Epoch"
ping = "ping {target} repeat 5 source {source}"
traceroute = "traceroute {target} timeout 1 probe 2 source {source}"

bgp_route = "show bgp ipv6 unicast {target} | exclude pathid:|Epoch"
ping = "ping ipv6 {target} repeat 5 source {source}"
traceroute = "traceroute ipv6 {target} timeout 1 probe 2 source {source}"

{source} and {target} are formatted as the configured src_addr_ipv4/src_addr_ipv6 parameters in devices.toml and query target, respectively.